Are you a MetroNeck?

Are you a Modern-day MetroNeck or just a plain old redneck?

So here we are. We come to that burning question. Are you a Modern MetroNeck or just a plain ole run of the mill redneck? Here in the south, we have no shortage of examples of both. You see us out there every single day with our styles. But what constitutes what a MetroNeck is? What tells me that I am just an average everyday redneck? There is a definite difference. This is a test to see which category YOU fall under.

The urban dictionary, which is the authority on all things modern, defines a metroneck as “a cross between a redneck and a metrosexual”. Modern-day Metrosexuals are easily spotted out in the wild (public if you will). If you see one of your country brothers out on the streets or in the store, you usually can spot which one he is. The regular old redneck looks like he just doesn’t care about his appearance, his ride, or any combination.

He is unkempt, or dirty. His clothes don’t even try to match. He hasn’t shaved or looks like he hasn’t seen a shower in a week. (If that’s the case, don’t get too close). His hair is rough and needs to be cut (or the oil changed). The Modern MetroNeck on the other hand will have everything pretty much squared away (Usually).  He might get dirty if he has been working or he may not match on occasion. You can pretty much tell if he just gives a blank about his general appearance and hygiene.

Are you a MetroNeck?

The Modern MetroNeck might stray onto the redneck side of things every now and then. (That may or may not be a lyric to a Brooks & Dunn song). It is our nature and we just can’t help it. We were not born in the city and we definitely were not raised in the penthouse. We went to public school because well, EVERYBODY went to public school! We grew up hunting, fishing, camping, and pretty much anything else we could do outdoors. We rode three-wheelers or shall I say survived those modern-day deathtraps (that’s right THREE, they hadn’t added that fourth wheel yet). We rode dirt bikes (motorcycles) and dirt bikes (Huffy’s) and go-carts (before the side by sides and Razrs). We played sports (ALL of them). We did all the things that rednecks do. We just decided we would be a little more refined.

Are you a MetroNeck?

When it comes to a man’s mode of transportation, you can pretty much tell which side he falls on or is leaning toward. His truck may be of the older variety or his 1984 Buick Regal might still sound good, but most likely it will be clean and in good working order with some kind of shine. The redneck on the other hand could be driving a Bondo-colored hoopty that has mud from 92 still caked on it and the muffler probably rusted off fifty thousand miles ago. A Modern MetroNeck will let some things fall down, but it will not be his truck, Jeep, or hotrod. It is written in the MetroNeck code of conduct. (Look it up). The Modern MetroNeck takes pride in his ride and won’t let it stay dirty for long (there is a genuine fear of riding dirty).

The redneck just doesn’t care about his shoes or boots. He doesn’t care if they are covered in mud or have white paint splattered on the toe, or the heel is flopping. A MetroNeck on the other hand will wipe those suckers off at least every Thursday. After his ride, the things that MetroNecks care about the most are his guns and his shoes. Shoes are a personal form of expression for a Modern MetroNeck and he wants to make sure they stay as new looking as possible for as long as possible. That is not to say that a MetroNeck can’t get down and dirty in the mud and do some real work. We do but the difference is we care about our stuff. (The saying is we paid good money for these and they need to last). Quite simply we care. We care about our appearance to the outside world and putting our best foot forward (pun intended).

Are you a MetroNeck?

Sometimes appearance is not just in what we wear and our physical attributes but in our outward demeanor and the way we present. Don’t get me wrong. A Modern MetroNeck will let loose and get wild and crazy with the best of them. (We have been known to party in the USA). There is an imaginary line there that transitions straight into common decency and respect for humanity. There are certain things that I have personally witnessed my redneck brothers do that just doesn’t sit right with me. Cursing in public around women and children is a big one. The same goes for violence against women and children. (I know we are getting a little heavy so let’s move on).

Are you a MetroNeck?

 Some things are meant for private and some things are meant for the public. A Modern MetroNeck will usually know the difference and show that respect and common sense of decency. A MetroNeck remembers what his mama taught him and uses what manners he can remember. There can always be more good in this world. The more we can put out there the better. Just the basic stuff like holding the door for ladies and saying yes mam and yes sir to your elders (don’t matter how old you are).  Being respectful of others and doing things the right way. A lot of rednecks have some of this good in them for sure. Not saying they are bad (some just forgot how they were raised).

Are you a MetroNeck?

I believe when you reach a certain age in life, you stop worrying about impressing others and keeping up with the “Jones”. You start to blaze your trail. You develop a style all your own. This is truly what makes us who WE are. We wear our hair a certain way (that is if we still have any). We may have a beard or goatee or no facial hair at all. We might start to buy nicer clothes and wear things we wouldn’t wear and try things that we wouldn’t normally try. It’s all a part of the evolution of a Modern Metroneck.

Are you a MetroNeck?

We learn a lot about things as we age. We learn about the things we like and dislike. We learn lessons about what works and doesn’t work. Along the way, we can develop that sense of style that fits who we are. That redneck/southern gentleman crossover space is where we start to reside. We are not too hardcore backwoods to be civilized and that’s where we start to live. That’s it. That’s the spot where we are not too hard and not too soft.

Are you a MetroNeck?

The redneck stays a little too far on that other side. A little too hard to fit in. If he wants to stay in that space then that is his call. This is a free country and you have the right to be who you want to be. Us MetroNecks will make sure to do what we can to show our best to the world in whatever situation.

Are you a MetroNeck?

No two men are the same. We come in all sizes, shapes, and colors. My style will not necessarily be yours and vice versa. You must choose what you want yours to be. You may or may not like my suggestions. That is just fine. In life, we have options and freedom to choose which direction we want to go. This is merely me sharing my knowledge and experiences with the “everyman”. I hope this information will help you explore your path to also becoming a Modern Metroneck. For this is where we live. We will keep things squared away and in good working order because after all, we have to make them last.

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