About The Modern MetroNeck

Hello, I am The Modern Metroneck. I haven’t always been a Metroneck. I wasn’t born this way. I have over my 40 some years developed a certain style. I do consider myself somewhat of a redneck. I live in the south, drive a truck, listen to country music. I love to hunt, fish, camp, go to the lake and generally enjoy everything a redneck enjoys. I guess you could say I am a little rough around the edges. I am also refined and well-seasoned. On the flip side I love clothes and style. I love shoes and bowties. I love nice watches and sneakers. I love to dress up and wear my Sunday best. I also listen to Rap, R&B, and metal music. I love to travel. I enjoy a good cigar and a glass of bourbon. Does that go against the “Redneck code”? Maybe it does because most rednecks could care less about some of those things. I guess that puts me on the metrosexual side of being a redneck. I guess I am the very definition of a true Metroneck. A renaissance man of the south if you will. The urban dictionary, which is the authority on all things modern, defines a metroneck as “a cross between a redneck and a metrosexual”. This describes me to a T. A hardcore southern gentleman that loves his family and respects his elders and women. One that fits into every situation with style and class and flare. The reason I started this blog is to share some of my own knowledge and my picks for things that a Modern Metroneck needs in his everyday life. Whether you are working, playing, or just hanging, there are certain things a man needs. They say the man that accumulates the most toys wins the game. Well, I say that is not entirely true. I say the man that accumulates some toys and other things that are essential in everyday life and truly enjoys himself along the way is the real winner in this deal. Sit back and smell the roses. Reflect on life and what it is and has been. I believe when you reach a certain age in life, you stop worrying about impressing others and keeping up with the “Jones”. You start to blaze your own trail. You develop a style all your own. This is truly what makes us who WE are. We wear our hair a certain way (that is if we still have any). We may have a beard or goatee or no facial hair at all. We might start to buy nicer clothes and wear things we wouldn’t wear and try things that we wouldn’t normally try. It’s all a part of the evolution of a Modern Metroneck. We learn a lot about things as we age. We learn about the things we like and dislike. We learn lessons about what works and doesn’t work. Along the way, we can develop that sense of style that fits who we are. That redneck/southern gentleman crossover space is where we start to reside. We are not too hardcore backwoods to be civilized and that’s where we start to live. That’s it. That’s the spot where we are not too hard and not too soft. This blog is not just about material stuff. It is about experiences and knowledge that I have learned over the years that I want to pass on to others. Knowledge about how the Modern Metroneck should function in today’s society. How he can blaze that trail into other avenues less explored. This blog is also about tipping my cap to the ones that have come before us. The ones in our past such as fathers and grandfathers and great men in history. They had style and flair all their own and that history is worth looking back on. It’s worth replicating and infusing into who we are today. Times have changed but we do not need to forget where we came from and what took place. No two men are the same. We come in all sizes, shapes and colors. My style will not necessarily be yours and vice versa. You must choose what you want yours to be. You may or may not like my picks. That is just fine. In life, we have options and freedom to choose which direction we want to go. This is merely me sharing my knowledge and experiences with the “everyman”. I hope this blog will help you explore your own personal path to also becoming a Modern Metroneck. For this is where we live.

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